As if by magic, everyone wants to find potential customers in different channels, so that almost all of them can be brought to a purchase without any problems. And there is such a way, this is lookalike on Facebook and Instagram, but with little hacks and additions, which we will discuss in the article. There are two ways to find your audience on Facebook and Instagram Targeting (when using Facebook filters, you yourself emphasize the interests and characteristics of the audience to which the ad will be shown) – we are not considering it today, because he can interact with the second, and often inferior to him individually. Lookalike (when you upload a database of email and phone numbers of your customers to Facebook, and FB shows you the most similar target audience); Facebook Lookalike Lookalike helps you find an audience that resembles your customers as much as possible (although there are misfires, it’s still machine learning). For example, if a user comes to you and has already paid, it is likely that similar FB users will be interested in your product and will eventually pay. The magic of this method is that you can find a specific audience on social media. You can’t look at individual user profiles, of course, but you can select an audience and show ads on it – no problem. The more accurate the targeting of each segment, the higher the effectiveness of your ads (provided the ad campaign is properly set up). To use Lookalike, you must have a user base of at least 100 people, and preferably more than 1000. Otherwise, the result will not be perfect and the audience found will not be as accurate. It is not efficient to use the entire customer base; it is worthwhile to divide them into segments based on a few criteria. For example, you can find the ones that most closely resemble the segment of users coming from contextual ads or those who have already made 2 or more purchases. This allows for a more personalized ad campaign and attracts the right customers. Here are some more examples of what audiences you can flag: users who purchase on the first visit to the site; customers with the most marginal products; users who come from advertisements; who have bought more than three products at the same time; subscribed to the newsletter; And any other options, depending on your goals… ….. more info can be found here «Road to 100k Instagram Followers»! marketing digital instagram pdf marketing book
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