E-cigarettes seem to be a safer alternative to smoking, but lately it has become increasingly clear that they also carry risks. India will ban e-cigarettes and the US state of Michigan has announced a ban on flavored e-cigarettes. According to American media, twelve people have died as a result of the cigarette and hundreds of people with lung complaints have been hospitalized. The Trimbos Institute answered viewer questions after the broadcast. Look back at that conversation about e-cigarettes. An e-cigarette, also known as the ‘vaper’, consists of several parts: a battery, mouthpiece and reservoir that holds liquid. This liquid contains a flavoring and nicotine. There are hundreds of flavors available, from anchovies to apple pie. About 3 percent of the Dutch sometimes use such an e-cigarette. Is an e-cigarette harmful?Esther Croes of the Trimbos Institute says that little is known about the long-term effects of e-cigarettes. According to Croes, the cigarettes in the United States cause problems because of the illegal liquid THC that is used. The product is then dissolved in oil and therefore contaminated. There have already been deaths in America from e-cigarettes containing THC. Sellers claim that e-cigarettes are healthier, is that true?Sellers of electronic cigarettes state that the vapers are much less harmful than ‘regular’ cigarettes. The sellers rely on information from the British government organization Public Health England. There are now numerous other studies that indicate that there is a health risk. Croes believes that more studies should be conducted into the link between e-cigarettes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. So much is still unclear about e-cigarettes.Mr-joy.co.uk for the best e cigarette brands for more information. Radar is therefore curious about your experience. You can share these via the questionnaire e-cigarettes: ban or excellent quitting aid? We are also curious about your opinion about, for example, a ban, and you can also express this via the questionnaire, even if you have no experience with e-cigarettes yourself. Popularity among young peopleMany young people are experimenting with the electronic cigarette. The market also focuses specifically on that target group, and releases vapers with all kinds of tasty flavors. In 2017, more students aged twelve to sixteen used an electronic cigarette or shisha pen (28%) than a regular cigarette (17%). There is increasing evidence that e-cigarettes also cause children to switch to a ‘normal’ cigarette. |